
计算机科学与技术系研究生选修课, 厦门大学, 2022



Lecture 1 Introduction to Deep LearningDeep learning applications, impacts, researchers, history, and course description. 
Lecture 2 Basics of Machine LearningBasics of machine learning, linear models, neural networks, back-propagation, model selection, model evaluation.Lecture 2
Lecture 3 Regularization and OptimizationGeneralization, overfitting and underfitting, regularization, optimization for deep models, batch normalization, parameter initialization.Lecture 3
Lecture 4 Hardware and SoftwareDeep learning hardware, PyTorch, TensorFlow, Keras.Lecture 4
Lecture 5 Basics of Convolutional Neural NetworksConvolution, padding, stride, parameter sharing, pooling, common CNN patterns.Lecture 5
Lecture 6 CNN ArchitecturesAlexNet, VGG, GoogLeNet, ResNet, SENet, DenseNet. 
Lecture 7 Basics of Recurrent Neural NetworksRNN, Seq2seq, Attention models, LSTMLecture 7
Lecture 8 Language ModelWord2vec, ELMo, Transformer, BERTLecture 8
Lecture 9 Generative Adversarial NetworksGAN, DCGAN, CGAN, WGAN, SAGAN, pix2pix, CycleGAN, SRGAN 
Lecture 10 Deep Reinforcement LearningMarkov Decision Process, Q-Learning, Deep Q Network, Policy Gradient, Actor-Critic, DDPG.Lecture 10
Lecture 11 Deep Learning on GraphsDeepwalk, LINE, Node2vec, GCN, GraphSAGE, GAT 
Lecture 12 Self-Supervised LearningGeneration-Based Methods, Context-Based Methods, Free Semantic Label-Based Methods, Cross Modal-Based Methods, Contrastive Learning 
Lecture 13 Meta-LearningOptimization-Baesd Method, Model-Based Method, Metric-Based Method, MAML, Few-Shot Learning 
Lecture 14 Deep Learning on Incomplete DataFederated Learning, Long-Tail Learning, Noisy-Label Learning, Continual Learning 
Lecture 15 Advanced Topics in Deep LearningKnowledge Distillation, Adversarial Samples, Model Interpretation, Fairness, Privacy 


Class Incremental Learning on Imbalanced Data with Example Influence
SAC-Based Deep Reinforcement Learning for Portfolio Selection
Towards controllable and high-fidelity Text-to-Speech from latent representation learning with Diffusion-based Refiner
Kinship verification based on hand-craft features regression and multi-level feature fusion
Robust 3D Object Detection in Adverse Weather via Rain Noise Semantic
QattenLinear: A General Framework for Cooperative Multiagent Reinforcement Learning
Artistic Face Image Inpainting with Transformer
Super-Resolution Restoration of License Plate Images Based on Deep Learning
A scoring method based on Graph Neural Networks for protein-protein docking
Real-time Detection of Face Mask Wearing Based on YOLOv5
Segmentation of Pulmonary Arteries From Volumetric Chest CT Scans with Deep Learning Methods
Single image de-raining algorithm based on semi-supervised learning
Implement of Code Timeout Detection System Based on Tree-LSTM
Images CycleGAN-based Face Aging Using Unpaired Data
X-ray Security Inspection Based on Edge Enhancement Module
RSTDet: An Aerial Object Detector for Exploring Rotated and Small Targets
A Comparison of U-Net Series for CT Pancreas Segmentation
Wildfire Detection Based on Multi-source Spatial Data
ThinMLA:Late-Fusion for Graph Attention Layer Feature Based on Co-expression Gene Modules for Disease Diagnosis
HSLR: Multi-stage Temporal 3D Human-Scene Reconstruction Based on the Point Cloud Sequence
Cross-Domain Vision Transformer for Animal Pose Estimation
CPTR: Cartoon portrait style transfer based on StyleGan V2
A Network Fitness Analysis of the Diffusion Model
DAS-GCN: Differentiable Arch Search for Graph Convolutional Networks on Whole Slide Images Based Survival Prediction
Reinforcement Learning-based Artificial Intelligence for MahjongSoul
Exploring the Combination of Different Backbone Neural Networks for Text Classification
Disentangle Identity and Semantic Information in Code Search
Chinese Text Classification Based on Bert
IGNITE: Identification of Bacteriophages-prokaryotic Association UsIng Transformer with Multi-layer Perceptron
3D Part-based Segmentation via Deep Neural Network
Drug Repositioning based on Graph Convolutional Network
Memory-based Few-Shot Medical Image Segmentation with Attention Mechanism
Mobile phone screen defect segmentation based on deeplabv3p
Text To Speech Based on Transformer
Real-time Duidewire Endpoint Localization in Continuous Fluoroscopy Images
Self-Attention Attribution: Proximity Molecule Information Interactions Inside Graph Neural Network
Mattress Defect Detection and Classification Based on Faster R-CNN Algorithm
Revealing Public Opinion towards the COVID-19 Vaccine withWeibo Data in China: BertFDA-Based Model
Tobacco Leaves Classification Based on Convolutional Neural Network
Mathematical Formula Identification Method Based on Transformer
Medical Image Segmentation of COVID-19 Based on Deep Learning
Objection Detection Domain Generalization Research Based On Faster-Rcnn
Deep Learning Based Medical Image Super Resolution Reconstruction
BARSA Budget-Aware Recommendation System Attack
Research on Chinese Error Correction based on Bert
Photo-Realistic Single Image Super-Resolution by Attention Diffusion Method
Using Bert+TextCNN Model to Realize News Classification and Recognition
Comparison and Analysis of Common Models for Special Effect Makeup Transfer
Aritificial King of Figter Fighter game agent based on deep reinforcement learning
Deep Keyphrase Completion
Fall Detection Based on YOLOv7
Base On Hierarchical Mechanism Modality Input To Forecast Stock Price



CS231n: Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual Recognition, Stanford University

CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning, Stanford University

CS224w: Machine Learning with Graphs, Stanford University

CMSC 35246: Deep Learning, University of Chicago

Introduction to Reinforcement Learning with David Silver, DeepMind

MGMTMSA-434: Advanced Workshop on Machine Learning, UCLA


2021 2020