
计算机科学系本科生必修课, 厦门大学, 2021-03



  1. 了解可支持算法运行的抽象机器计算模型,算法的定义和复杂性概念,算法设计的基本技术方法,包括递归与分治法、贪心法、动态规划方法、回溯法、分支限界法以及高级图论算法等,理解并掌握算法复杂性的分析方法、NP完全性理论基础等计算复杂性的基本知识以及完全性证明概要。
  2. 通过教学和实践,培养学生运用数学工具和方法分析问题和从算法的角度运用数学工具解决问题的基本能力。
  3. 使学生能够正确地分析和评价一个算法,进一步设计出真正有效或更有效的算法。




Lecture 1 Introductioninsertion sort, correctness of algorithms, loop invariants, time complexity
Lecture 2 Asymptotic Notationbig O, big Omega, big Theta, use limit to calculate
Lecture 3 Algorithm Analysisprobabilistic analysis, amortized analysis
Lecture 4 Recursiontowers of Hanoi, selection sort, generating permutations, substitution method, master method
Lecture 5 Divide-and-Conquerrecursion equation, mergesort, quicksort, large integer multiplication, matrix multiplication, defective chessboard
Lecture 6 Dynamic Programmingoptimal substructure property, Fibonacci sequence, assembly-line scheduling, matrix-chain multiplication, the longest-common-subsequence, 0/1 knapsack problem, optimal binary search tree,
Lecture 7 Greedy Algorithmsgreedy selection property, activity selection problem, fractional knapsack Problem, Huffman coding
Lecture 8 Graph AlgorithmDFS, BFS, minimum spanning tree, Kruskal’s algorithm, Prim’s algorithm, the shortest path problem, Dijkstra’s algorithm, Floyd-Warshall algorithm
Lecture 9 Network Flow and Matchingmax-flow problem, the Ford-Fulkerson method, max-flow min-cut theorem, Edmonds-Karp algorithm, matching problem, bipartite graph matching problem, Hungry tree algorithm
Lecture 10 Linear Programmingstandard form of linear programming, slack form of linear programming, simplex algorithm
Lecture 11 NP Complete Theorypolynomial-time algorithm, decision problem, definition of P and NP, NP complete, reducibility, NP-completeness proof, satisfiability problem, 3-CNF satisfiability problem, clique problem, vertex cover problem
Lecture 12 Backtrackingsolution space tree, constraint function, bounding function, container loading problem, 0/1 knapsack problem, n queen problem, traveling salesperson problem
Lecture 13 Branch-and-BoundFIFO branch-and-bound, max-profit branch-and-bound

